Galvagni Figures & Plover Figures for Pentacubes
A pentacube is a solid made of five cubes joined
face to face.
A Galvagni figure is a figure that can be tiled by a polyform
in more than one way—a kind of self-compatibility figure.
Most of these pentacube Galvagni figures were found by
Reid of the University of Central Florida.
A Plover figure is a Galvagni figure made without
reflecting the tile.
Where the Galvagni figure for a pentacube without mirror symmetry
uses reflection, a minimal Plover figure is shown as well.
Galvagni Figures
Holeless Variants
In the Galvagni Figures above, I do not treat singularities
like pinholes and slits as holes.
Plover Figures
Last revised 2016-02-03.
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Polyform Compatibility
Polyform Curiosities
Col. George Sicherman