Galvagni Figures for Polydodecs
A dodecagon is a polygon with 12 sides.
A polydodec is a figure made of regular dodecagons joined
edge to edge.
A Galvagni figure is a figure that can be tiled by a polyform
in more than one way—a kind of self-compatibility figure.
Galvagni figures first appeared in Erich Friedman's
Math Magic
for November 2004.
Here are minimal known Galvagni figures for polydodecs.
The black tiles have no Galvagni figures.
Hypersymmetric Variants
2 Tiles
3 Tiles
4 Tiles
5 Tiles
6 Tiles
8 Tiles
12 Tiles
Hypersymmetric Variants
Last revised 2010-10-06.
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Col. George Sicherman