Holeless Plover Figures for Polyominoes
A Galvagni Figure
is a minimal figure that can be tiled with a given
polyform shape in two or more ways.
A Plover Figure
is a Galvagni Figure in which the tiles are not merely
congruent but identical; that is, they are not distinct mirror images.
For tiles with reflective symmetry, a Plover Figure
is the same as a Galvagni Figure.
Corey Plover has found Plover Figures (and most of
the Galvagni Figures) for polyominoes up to order 6.
You may see the tetrominoes
the pentominoes
and the hexominoes
at Erich Friedman's Math
Here are Plover figures without holes for pentominoes,
hexominoes, and heptominoes.
The gray polyominoes have not been solved.
The black ones are known to have no Plover figures with or without holes.
The following picture shows holeless Plover Figures for pentominoes
without mirror symmetry.
If you find smaller solutions,
please let me know!
The solutions for the P, F, and Y pentominoes
are known to be minimal with or without holes.
The following picture shows holeless Plover Figures for hexominoes
without mirror symmetry.
If you find smaller solutions or solve an unsolved case,
please let me know!
Of the gray hexominoes, only the second is known to have
a Plover figure with holes.
The following picture shows holeless Plover Figures for heptominoes
without mirror symmetry.
If you find smaller solutions or solve an unsolved case,
please let me know!
Last revised 2020-08-14.
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Col. George Sicherman