Galvagni Figures for Polypentagrams
A polypentagram is a figure made of regular pentagrams joined
edge to edge.
A Galvagni figure is a figure that can be tiled by a polyform
in more than one way—a kind of self-compatibility figure.
Galvagni figures first appeared in Erich Friedman's
Math Magic
for November 2004.
Here are minimal known Galvagni figures for polypentagrams.
If you find a smaller solution or solve an unsolved case, please let me know.
Mirror Symmetry
Hypersymmetric Variants
2 Tiles
4 Tiles
5 Tiles
15 Tiles
20 Tiles
Mirror Variants
Last revised 2013-03-02.
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Polyform Curiosities
Col. George Sicherman