Catalogue of Didrifters

A polydrafter is a plane figure made by joining drafter triangles (30°-60°-90° right triangles) in the polyiamond grid at their edges or half-hypotenuses. An extended polydrafter is constructed the same way, without the restriction that the cells conform to the polyiamond grid.

A polydrifter is a figure made by joining such triangles at edges or vertices. A didrifter is a polydrifter with 2 cells. Polydrifters are said to be two-sided if mirror images are considered to be the same, and one-sided if they are considered to be different. On the polyiamond grid there are 27 different two-sided didrifters, and 43 one-sided didrifters.

Here I show all 27 two-sided didrifters.

Last revised 2024-08-19.

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