The Lobster and the Snake: Solutions

Growing Up Alike

This hexiamond is the smallest polyiamond that can be attached to the Lobster and the Snake so that the resulting shapes are identical:

For a harder challenge, join this hexiamond to two Lobsters and to two Snakes to form identical shapes!

Polyform addity problems were introduced by Erich Friedman in the November 2006 issue of Math Magic. This addity problem was featured in an entry of November 13, 2006 at Ed Pegg Jr.'s site

Filling Out

Here is the smallest convex polyiamond that can be made from Lobsters and Snakes, using at least one of each:

It has 24 Lobsters and 6 Snakes, which must be arranged as shown.

For a harder challenge, find a solution with an odd number of tiles!

Sister Act

Here is the smallest polyiamond that can be tiled by the Lobster and by the Snake:

It has 18 tiles. For a harder challenge, find a solution with an odd number of tiles!

Odd Couple

This is the smallest polyiamond with full symmetry that can be formed by an odd number of Lobsters and Snakes:

It has 12 Lobsters and 9 Snakes. For a harder challenge, find a solution without a hole!

Too Hard?

If the harder challenges on this page are too hard for you, you can find the solutions here.

Last revised 2023-05-17.

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