Tiling a Triangle with a Polyiamond. Tile a triangular polyiamond with copies of a given polyiamond. | |
Tiling a Triangle with Two Polyiamonds. Tile a triangular polyiamond with copies of two given polyiamonds. | |
Tiling a Triangle with a Scaled Polyiamond. Tile a triangular polyiamond with copies of a given polyiamond at various scales. | |
Tiling a Triangle with a Scaled Polyming. Arrange scaled copies of a polyming to form a triangle. |
Tiling a Pentagon with a Scaled Pentiamond and Hexiamond. Arrange scaled copies of a pentiamond and a hexiamond to form a polygon with 5 sides. | |
Hexiamond Pair Pentagons. Arrange copies of two hexiamonds to form a polygon with 5 sides. | |
Heptiamond Pair Pentagons. Arrange copies of two heptiamonds to form a polygon with 5 sides. |
Two-Hexiamond Balanced Hexagons. Tile a regular hexagon with two hexiamonds in equal quantities. | |
Polyiamond Hexagon Tiling. Tile a straight or ragged hexagon with various polyiamonds. |
Minimal Convex Polyiamond Tilings. With copies of a given polyiamond make the smallest convex polyiamond. | |
Convex Polygons from Pairs of Polyiamonds. With copies of two given polyiamonds make the smallest convex polyiamond. | |
Convex Polygons from Pairs of Scaled Polyiamonds. With as few scaled copies of two given polyiamonds as possible, using at least one of each, make a convex polyiamond. | |
Polyiamond Convexification with Holes. Arrange copies of a given polyiamond to form a convex polyiamond with single-cell holes in it. | |
Convexification Numbers for Polyiamonds. Pack copies of a polyiamond into some convex polyiamond, leaving as few cells vacant as possible. | |
Convex Polygons from the 12 Hexiamonds. Arrange the 12 hexiamonds to form a convex polyiamond. | |
Convex Polygons from Three Hexiamonds. With copies of three given hexiamonds make the smallest convex polyiamond. | |
Similar Polyiamonds Forming a Convex Shape. Arrange scaled copies of a polyiamond to make a convex polyiamond. | |
Tiling a Convex Shape with a Polyming. Arrange copies of a polyming to form a minimally convex shape. |
Two-Hexiamond Balanced Parallelograms. Tile a parallelogram with two hexiamonds in equal quantities. | |
Polyiamond Tilings With Few Sides. Arrange copies of a polyiamond to form a polygon with as few sides as possible. | |
Full Symmetry from Pairs of Hexiamonds. Use copies of two hexiamonds to form a shape with full (snowflake) symmetry. | |
Hexiamond Triplets. Arrange the 12 hexiamonds to form three congruent polyiamonds. | |
Yin-Yang Diamonds. Arrange the 12 hexiamonds to cover a bi-colored diamond. | |
Tiling a Polyhex with the 12 Hexiamonds. Arrange the 12 hexiamonds to form a polyhex. | |
Similar Hexiamond Figures, 2–2–8. With the 12 hexiamonds, make three similar figures, one at double scale. | |
Polyiamond Bireptiles. Join two copies of a polyiamond, then dissect the result into equal smaller copies of it. | |
Uniform Polyiamond Stacks. Arrange copies of a polyiamond to form a shape with equal, contiguous rows of cells with even length. | |
Containing Pairs of Hexiamonds. Find the smallest polyiamonds that can contain every pair of distinct hexiamonds. | |
Polyiamond Irreptiling. Dissect a polyiamond into smaller copies of itself, not necessarily the same size. | |
Polyming Irreptiling. Dissect a polyming into smaller copies of itself, not necessarily the same size. | |
Scaled Polyiamond Tetrads. Arrange four copies of a polyiamond at varying scales so that each borders the others. | |
Tiling a Shape with Ternary Symmetry with the Heptiamonds and the Tetrahexes. Tile a shape with 3-fold symmetry with all 24 heptiamonds, then with all 7 tetrahexes. | |
The Lobster and the Snake. Four puzzles about the Lobster and Snake hexiamonds. |