Polyiamond Tilings With Few Sides

A polyiamond is a plane figure formed by joining one or more congruent equilateral triangles edge to edge. Copies of a polyiamond can be arranged to form various larger polyiamonds.

Here I present polyiamonds with the fewest sides that a polyiamond can form. A polyiamond must have at least 3 sides, the number of sides of an equilateral triangle. Some polyiamonds can tile an equilateral triangle. See Tiling a Triangle with a Polyiamond.

Here are minimal known polyiamonds with fewest edges for polyiamonds of orders 1 through 8. Not all these solutions are uniquely minimal. The numbers below the figures tell how many sides they have.








The straight heptiamond can tile a triangle. See Tiling a Triangle with a Polyiamond. The smallest known such tiling has 45,927 tiles. This is too many to show here.


Last revised 2024-07-30.

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