Hexi-Penti-Tetriamond Compatibility


A polyiamond is a plane figure made of equilateral triangles joined edge to edge. A tetriamond has 4 cells, a pentiamond 5, and a hexiamond 6.

The compatibility problem is to find a figure that can be tiled with each of a set of polyforms. Polyomino compatibility has been widely studied since the early 1990s.

Here I show the smallest known solutions for sets of one tetriamond, one pentiamond, and one hexiamond. The numbers tell how many cells the polyiamond has. If you find a smaller solution or solve an unsolved case, please write.

This web page was inspired by Livio Zucca's Pento-Tetro-Trominoes.


Here are minimal known compatibility figures for sets of of one tetriamond, one pentiamond, and one hexiamond. These solutions are not necessarily unique.

6A-5I-4A 1206A-5I-4I 606A-5I-4V 606A-5J-4A 1206A-5J-4I 606A-5J-4V 60
6A-5Q-4A 1206A-5Q-4I 606A-5Q-4V 606A-5U-4A 6A-5U-4I 606A-5U-4V 120
6E-5I-4A 6E-5I-4I ?6E-5I-4V 1206E-5J-4A 6E-5J-4I 7206E-5J-4V 60
6E-5Q-4A 6E-5Q-4I 1206E-5Q-4V 606E-5U-4A 6E-5U-4I ?6E-5U-4V ?
6F-5I-4A 1206F-5I-4I 606F-5I-4V 606F-5J-4A 1206F-5J-4I 606F-5J-4V 60
6F-5Q-4A 1206F-5Q-4I 606F-5Q-4V 606F-5U-4A 6F-5U-4I 1206F-5U-4V 60
6H-5I-4A 3606H-5I-4I 606H-5I-4V 606H-5J-4A 3606H-5J-4I 606H-5J-4V 60
6H-5Q-4A 3606H-5Q-4I 606H-5Q-4V 606H-5U-4A 6H-5U-4I 1806H-5U-4V 120
6I-5I-4A 1206I-5I-4I 606I-5I-4V 606I-5J-4A 1206I-5J-4I 606I-5J-4V 60
6I-5Q-4A 1206I-5Q-4I 606I-5Q-4V 606I-5U-4A 6I-5U-4I ?6I-5U-4V ?
6L-5I-4A 1206L-5I-4I 606L-5I-4V 606L-5J-4A 1206L-5J-4I 606L-5J-4V 60
6L-5Q-4A 1206L-5Q-4I 606L-5Q-4V 606L-5U-4A 6L-5U-4I 606L-5U-4V 60
6O-5I-4A 6O-5I-4I 6O-5I-4V 6O-5J-4A 6O-5J-4I 6O-5J-4V 60
6O-5Q-4A 6O-5Q-4I 6O-5Q-4V 6O-5U-4A 6O-5U-4I 6O-5U-4V
6P-5I-4A 1206P-5I-4I 606P-5I-4V 606P-5J-4A 1206P-5J-4I 606P-5J-4V 60
6P-5Q-4A 1206P-5Q-4I 606P-5Q-4V 606P-5U-4A 6P-5U-4I ?6P-5U-4V 360
6S-5I-4A ?6S-5I-4I 606S-5I-4V 606S-5J-4A ?6S-5J-4I 606S-5J-4V 60
6S-5Q-4A ?6S-5Q-4I 606S-5Q-4V 606S-5U-4A 6S-5U-4I 606S-5U-4V 60
6U-5I-4A ?6U-5I-4I 606U-5I-4V 606U-5J-4A ?6U-5J-4I 606U-5J-4V 60
6U-5Q-4A ?6U-5Q-4I 606U-5Q-4V 606U-5U-4A 6U-5U-4I ?6U-5U-4V 60
6V-5I-4A 1206V-5I-4I 606V-5I-4V 606V-5J-4A 1206V-5J-4I 606V-5J-4V 60
6V-5Q-4A 1206V-5Q-4I 606V-5Q-4V 606V-5U-4A 6V-5U-4I ?6V-5U-4V ?
6X-5I-4A 6X-5I-4I 6X-5I-4V 6X-5J-4A 6X-5J-4I ?6X-5J-4V ?
6X-5Q-4A 6X-5Q-4I ?6X-5Q-4V ?6X-5U-4A 6X-5U-4I 6X-5U-4V

Last revised 2024-05-05.

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