Trikite-Tetrakite Pair Oddities


A polykite oddity is a symmetrical figure formed by an odd number of copies of a polykite. Symmetrical figures can also be formed with copies of two different polykites.

Here are the smallest known fully symmetric polykites with an odd number of tiles, formed by copies of a given trikite and tetrakite, using at least one of each.

See also Diabolo-Triabolo Pair Oddities, Diabolo-Pentabolo Pair Oddities, Triabolo-Tetrabolo Pair Oddities, Pentomino Pair Oddities, Hexiamond Pair Oddities and Pentahex Pair Oddities.


5 Tiles

9 Tiles

11 Tiles

13 Tiles

15 Tiles

17 Tiles

19 Tiles

21 Tiles

25 Tiles

33 Tiles

Unsolved Pairs

Last revised 2022-09-22.

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