Pentacube Oddities with Full Symmetry
A pentacube is a solid made of five cubes joined
face to face.
An oddity (or Sillke Figure)
is a figure with even symmetry
formed by an odd number of copies of a polyform.
Polycubes have 33 symmetry classes (including asymmetry),
and 31 of them have even order.
That is too many to show here.
Instead I show only oddities with full cubic symmetry.
For other classes of symmetry, see:
In all pictures, the cross-sections are shown from back to front.
Thanks to Jaap Scherphuis for pointing out an error in one of my chiral tilings.
Full Symmetry
Full, or achiral octahedral, symmetry is the 48-fold symmetry of a cube
or a regular octahedron.
The 5×5×5 cubes are due to Torsten Sillke.
Achiral Pentacubes
Mike Reid independently found the solution for the M pentacube.
The oddity for the B pentacube can also be
tiled by the Q pentacube.
Chiral, Disallowing Reflection
Chiral, Allowing Reflection
Last revised 2024-03-07.
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Polyform Curiosities
Col. George Sicherman