Heptahex Oddities

A heptahex oddity is a figure with binary symmetry formed by an odd number of copies of a heptahex. Here are the minimal known oddities for heptahexes. Please write if you find a smaller solution or solve an unsolved case. Mike Reid contributed improvements to some of these solutions.

For hexahexes, see Hexahex Oddities. For other orders of polyhexes, see Polyhex Oddities.

[ Rowwise Bilateral | Columnwise Bilateral | Birotary | Double Bilateral | Sextuple Rotary | Full ]

Rowwise Bilateral

1 to 15 tiles

17 to 27 tiles

33 or more tiles



Columnwise Bilateral

1 to 7 tiles

9 to 11 tiles

13 to 21 tiles

27 or more tiles



1 to 21 tiles

23 or more tiles

Double Bilateral

Sextuple Rotary


For heptahex tilings of straight and ragged regular hexagons, see Tiling a Hexagon Polyhex with a Heptahex.

Holeless Variants

Last revised 2024-10-08.

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