Catalogue of Almost Almost Unitary Polyominoes


A polyomino is a figure made of equal squares joined edge to edge. A unitary polyomino is one whose edges all have length 1; see Catalogue of Unitary Polyominoes. An almost unitary polyomino has just one edge of length greater than 1. An almost almost unitary polyomino has just two edges of length greater than 1.

See also Catalogue of Unitary Polyominoes and Catalogue of Almost Unitary Polyominoes.


Cells 2345678910111213 1415161718
Almost Almost
Unitary Polyominoes
122412152958116199403790 1509285757001094121032

The shaded values were found by John Mason in 2023.

2 Cells

3 Cells

4 Cells

5 Cells

6 Cells

7 Cells

8 Cells

9 Cells

10 Cells

Last revised 2023-05-01.

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